Fletcher Ward Design - 020 7637 0940

Visit our website at: www.fletcherwarddesign.co.uk

Friday, March 20, 2020

Business as usual. 

Design • Artwork • Promotion

With business as usual at Fletcher Ward Design, with very little disruption to service, we are still able to offer our fast, cost efficient Design & Artwork services to promote your company at a time when it needs to be noticed.

During this period it's important to get your marketing and design projects right - as well as cutting costs and budgets!

We work out of hours (including weekends if required), will stick to YOUR budgets, and are fast and efficient.

We want to take this opportunity to thank you for your support and we look forward to working with you soon.

Whatever you need, if your designs are looking dodgy or your artwork is amiss we can help!

Hope to hear from you soon.
Could we help?
Give us a call - +44 (0)20 7637 0940

Monday, March 16, 2020

Tough Times call for cost effective budgeting.

We're all going through tough unpredictable times.
If it's not the uncertainty of Brexit it's the worry of Covid-19!

During this period it's important to get your marketing and design projects right - as well as cutting costs and budgets!

Suppliers often quote:
"We can give you QUALITY, SPEED and LOW COST ,
but... you can only have two of the three!!"

For example:
1. Quality + Speed = Expensive.
You need a superbly designed 12pp brochure promoting the latest Jamaican cooking trends on your desk in the morning for a brain bashing board meeting, pressures on.  You'd expect costs to rocket.

2. Quality + Low cost = Slow.
The same superbly designed 12pp cooking collateral that's expecting to propel your company up to the next level needs to be created to a strict low-budget.  The Design team still give the project the same attention to detail and meet the budget requirements, but less creatives working on the project means slower development time.

3. Speed + Low Cost = Low Quality.
This 12pp brochure is really going through the mill.  Board wants it fast! and they don't want to pay much (Chairman needs a bonus this month).  Less development time, corners are cut. You truly get what you pay for.

But...  We don't work to that philosophy!

We work out of hours (including weekends if required), stick to YOUR budgets, and are fast and efficient.
Please give us a buzz or drop us a line if you're looking to keep ahead in these troublesome times.

Visit our website to see examples of how we can help you. www.fletcherwarddesign.co.uk
Hope to hear from you soon.
Could we make your marketing life more efficient?
Give us a call - +44 (0)20 7637 0940‬

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Times are tight! The advantage of small!

LINK:  https://youtu.be/D5HLZZKWsxk


in these unpredictable times it's important to get your marketing fighting fit!  Costs can be imperative to keep your business on the leading edge. That's where working with efficient, budget aware Graphic Designers can give you an advantage.

When good design works...
...the results are startling

We produce cost efficient, attention-grabbing Graphic Design & Artwork for professional firms of all shapes and sizes - local, national and international... for over 40 years!

Could we make your marketing life a little easier too?  
Give us a call - +44 (0)20 7637 0940

Thursday, March 5, 2020

The value of good design...

Good design communicates! it helps tell the world about your services and products with direct marketing and graphic design that actually gets you heard.

When good design works...
...the results are startling

We produce attention-grabbing Graphic Design & Artwork for professional firms of all shapes and sizes - local, national and international... for over 40 years!

Could we make your marketing life a little easier too?
Give us a call - +44 (0)20 7637 0940‬